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“When I first started on this project, I thought it would become a public art piece,” Marclay said. “I thought, What a great thing, to be in a train station waiting…
March 18 2012, 4:30pm | Comments
Marclay assembled his edit in hour-long chunks, the 24-hour cycle giving him enormous scope, but also confining him to a minute-by-minute grid. “A 10.01 clip has to be within that minute,…
February 9 2012, 3:57am | Comments
It’s time. The winged chariot at my back, and all that. Taking a seat on one of the comfortable couches at the National Gallery in Ottawa, I mentally strap myself in.…
February 9 2012, 3:46am | Comments
February 16 2011, 7:38am | Comments
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