MachineMachine /stream - tagged with detritus en-us LifePress <![CDATA[Taboola, Outbrain and the Chum Supply Chain]]>

Ranjan here, and today I'm talking Taboola and Outbrain. Most of my work in media has been on subscriptions and branded content, so I've never played in the depths of ad-tech darkness. But, I spent seven years trading currency derivatives and am well versed in the art of arbitrage.

Mon, 27 May 2019 17:28:11 -0700
<![CDATA[Crapularity Aesthetics | Making & Breaking]]>

In 2011, a loose group of “grumpy futurists” wrote up an extensive list of “Alternatives to the Singularity” in a collaborative Google Document. “The Singularity”, in popular culture and para-religious belief, refers to the point where machine intelligence leaves humans behind.

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 05:01:08 -0800
<![CDATA[Washington Monthly | The World Is Choking on Digital Pollution]]>

Tens of thousands of Londoners died of cholera from the 1830s to the 1860s. The causes were simple: mass quantities of human waste and industrial contaminants were pouring into the Thames, the central waterway of a city at the center of a rapidly industrializing world.

Thu, 07 Feb 2019 05:01:01 -0800
<![CDATA[list: SPAM as part of artistic practice]]>

examples of artists using sPaM as part of their artistic practice. (thinking: jodi, constant dullaarts army of bots, horse ebooks, bestiary of Spam),,,

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 03:49:15 -0800
<![CDATA[Will Wiles: "Let's save some of the Whitechapel Fatberg"]]>

In 1965, American sculptor Claes Oldenburg proposed an object of quite unforgettable brute simplicity for New York City. Oldenburg may be best known today for his cuddly "soft sculptures" and monumental pop-art reproductions of everyday objects, but this was neither cuddly nor pop.

Wed, 27 Sep 2017 01:27:07 -0700
<![CDATA[The Future is Fungal – Mask Magazine]]>

The future as shown to us by science fictions is almost always shiny. Whether in aspirational daydreams or depictions of dystopia, the vision continues to be one of gleaming metal, stark white interiors, and of course many more robots.

Thu, 17 Aug 2017 06:50:20 -0700
<![CDATA[Global Hoarding? Human-made Junk Now Outweighs Humans Themselves, Scientists Say | The Tyee]]>

Human-engineered structures and gadgets from cities to cellphones now represent an enormous mass weight of nearly 30 trillion tonnes on the planet, or vastly more than the world’s forests or life in the oceans.

Sat, 31 Dec 2016 06:38:20 -0800
<![CDATA['Great Pacific garbage patch' far bigger than imagined, aerial survey shows | Environment | The Guardian]]>

Giant collection of fishing nets, plastic containers and other discarded items called a ‘ticking time bomb’ as large items crumble into micro plastics 13.02 EDT Last modified on Tuesday 4 October 2016 13.

Tue, 04 Oct 2016 12:37:38 -0700
<![CDATA[The Dark Web Is Mostly Full of Garbage]]>

The dark web—the portion of the deep web only accessible through specific software—exists to serve the needs of hackers-for-hire, hitmen, internet drug kingpins, child pornographers, and their inevitable customers. That’s the public consensus. Then there’s the counter-narrative.

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 10:15:13 -0700
<![CDATA[The Great Pacific Garbage Patch was the myth we needed to save our oceans.]]>

In early August 1997, Charles Moore found himself floating through the North Pacific in his Tasmanian-built catamaran.

Wed, 14 Sep 2016 01:42:48 -0700
<![CDATA[Crabs With Beach Trash Homes – Okinawa, Japan | Okinawa Nature Photography]]>

It’s important to photograph the hermit crabs in their natural habitat.  I prefer to photograph them using a wide angle lens to achieve a unique perspective. Hermit crab in a glass bottle- Yomitan, Okinawa.

Wed, 07 Sep 2016 11:14:15 -0700
<![CDATA[Abandoned shops, discarded laundry and traffic lights signalling to empty streets: Eerie images inside Fukushima's exclusion zone five years after the nuclear disaster | Daily Mail Online]]>

More than five years after the devastating tsunami and the 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck north-eastern Japan, causing the explosion of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, the Japanese town remains abandoned. Since April 22, 2011, an area within 20km (12.

Tue, 12 Jul 2016 13:01:53 -0700
<![CDATA[This disturbing map shows just how much plastic is floating in our oceans | World Economic Forum]]> ]]> Wed, 15 Jun 2016 16:59:49 -0700 <![CDATA[The 3D Additivist Manifesto at HMKV, Dortmund (exhibition)]]>

The 3D Additivist Manifesto at HMKV, Dortmund (May 2016)In the series HMKV Video of the Month, HMKV presents current video works by international artists for the duration of one month each. In May 2016 we are presenting The 3D Additivist Manifesto by Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke.Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel RourkeThe 3D Additivist Manifesto (Das 3D-Additivistische Manifest)Video, 2015, 10:11 Min.Almost 100 years after its publication Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke are updating the Futurist Manifesto (1909) by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in a dark but appropriate way.

Thu, 14 Apr 2016 05:51:51 -0700
<![CDATA[Accelerationist Art]]>

Accelerationist ArtDespite its image of rapid technological change, progress under capitalism has stalled. Spinning ever faster is not the same as going somewhere. Contemporary Accelerationism wants to take off the brakes, and it is enlisting art’s help to do so……Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke have produced the Additivist Manifesto for art in the Anthropocene (the video for it features the “Urinal” 3D printable model I commissioned from Chris Webber). They “…call for you to accelerate the 3D printer and other technologies to their absolute limits and beyond into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird”. This is the kind of acceleration through (and into) art that works as both epistemic and left accelerationism without merely illustrating the program of or being instrumentalised by either. It is accelerated critical theory.

Thu, 14 Apr 2016 03:44:14 -0700
<![CDATA[»Wir haben die Möglichkeit, Dinge auferstehen zu lassen«Warum...]]>

»Wir haben die Möglichkeit, Dinge auferstehen zu lassen« Warum tut es vielen Menschen fast körperlich weh zu sehen, wie Terroristen auf Statuen mit dem Vorschlaghammer einhauen? Weil diese Kunstwerke die Geschichte und Kultur von 3000 Jahren Zivilisation repräsentieren.

Mon, 11 Apr 2016 05:52:03 -0700
<![CDATA[#Additivism: An Encounter with The Fluid Outside]]>

SONIC ACTS ACADEMY #Additivism: An Encounter with The Fluid Outside 28 February 2016 - De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, the Netherlands --- A talk and Q&A session by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke about The 3D Additivist Manifesto + The 3D Additivist Cookbook and the artist’s own research and practice in relationship to #Additivism, activism, and critical/poetic approaches to 3D printing. #Additivism is a collaboration between artist and activist Morehshin Allahyari and writer/artist/academic Daniel Rourke. In March 2015 they released The 3D Additivist Manifesto: a call to push additive manufacturing technologies to their absolute limits and beyond, into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. They then issued a call for submissions for a radical ‘Cookbook‘ of blueprints, designs, 3D print templates, and essays on the topics raised by their Manifesto including text and projects on environmental ethics, objects in movements for social and political change, the renewed contemporary significance of the artist manifesto by the likes of the Accelerationist and Xenofeminist movements, and the potential of radical intervention in contemporary technocapitalism.Cast: Sonic Acts

Fri, 18 Mar 2016 04:48:27 -0700
<![CDATA[Hyperallergic Interview: “Your Shiny Plastic Future Is a Load of Crap”]]>

“Your Shiny Plastic Future Is a Load of Crap”: #Additivism interviewed for HyperallergicGretta Louw interviewed us for Hyperallergic:It was hugely important to us that the manifesto undermine the position from which it is situated. We tried to show the limits and contradictions in our own thinking. The manifesto performs a critique of itself through irony, contradiction, and self-ridicule. The language of the manifesto breaks down and degrades, just like any system accelerated to its limits. Andrea Young’s amazing sound design for the video was also paramount in performing that quality.But I’m going to try to answer your question from more of a perspective of personal experience. One of the things that I have thought about the most in the last couple of years is the new potentials of species-being that new technologies facilitate. As a woman from the Middle East, I interact with a heteropatriarchy, capitalist, colonialist world, and so much of that experience creates a certain kind of alienation that is unique to my very personal/political experience. I deeply connect with a sentence in the Xenofeminism Manifesto — “If nature is unjust; change nature” — and Donna Haraway’s command to “Make Kin Not Babies!” For me, these two are about many things from the past that I want to resist and rebuild. With #Additivism, we want to explore ways of turning alienation into expressions of power.↪ Read the full interview here

Mon, 15 Feb 2016 08:23:00 -0800
<![CDATA[The Circle of Poo | Hakai Magazine]]>

In the Southern Ocean, surrounding Antarctica, blue whales were nearly wiped out by industrial whaling from the 1920s to 1940s. But now, with whaling curtailed, the whales are surging back: their population growing by 7.3 percent per year.

Sat, 09 Jan 2016 08:10:48 -0800
<![CDATA[Collyer Brothers brownstone, 1947 - Photos - Inside the Collyer brothers' brownstone - NY Daily News]]>

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Sat, 24 Oct 2015 03:35:24 -0700