MachineMachine /stream - search for blue en-us LifePress <![CDATA[It feels like Bluesky has finally tipped over the shitposting barrier in the last 24 hours. And I for one am extremely pleased to be here.]]> ]]> Mon, 11 Nov 2024 16:57:00 -0800 <![CDATA[A.I. Needs New Clichés. The old ones aren’t helping, and the… | by Molly Wright Steenson | Medium]]>és-ed0d6adb8cbb

If you plug “AI” or “artificial intelligence” into Google Image Search, here’s what you get. Electric brains firing blue with neurons. Translucent robots and robot heads, code dribbling down their foreheads and noses.

Fri, 24 Nov 2023 11:33:40 -0800és-ed0d6adb8cbb
<![CDATA[Anatomy of an AI System]]>

A cylinder sits in a room. It is impassive, smooth, simple and small. It stands 14.8cm high, with a single blue-green circular light that traces around its upper rim. It is silently attending. A woman walks into the room, carrying a sleeping child in her arms, and she addresses the cylinder.

Sun, 26 Feb 2023 13:51:25 -0800
<![CDATA[Black Swan events disrupting or delaying (pop) cultural releases]]>

I am looking for examples of (pop) cultural events/releases that were delayed or cancelled because an unforeseeable event eerily echoed their content in some way.

For instance, I just discovered that Kylie Minogue's 6th album 'Impossible Princess' was delayed by almost a year because Princess Diana died just before its planned release in 1997 (obviously because of the proposed title).

What other cultural creations suffered similar setbacks because of absolutely unpredictable circumstances (so-called 'Black Swan' events)? Three others that came to mind were:

  • Nintendo's recent delay of 'Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp' for the Switch because of the war in Ukraine.

  • The infamous summer 2001 trailer for Spiderman depicted a helicopter suspended between the World Trade Towers. This scene then, quite possibly because of the events of 9/11, never made it into the final movie.

  • And a more obscure one... the recall and reissue of UK Indie band The Bluetones' single 'Cut Some Rug', because the artwork depicted a classroom emptying... an image that then eerily echoed the tragic school shooting at Dunblane school in 1996.

All four of these examples are because of a serious, tragic event taking place that strangely echoed their proposed content. These are the kind of things I am thinking about, though they need not necessary be considered 'tragic' to count.

Mon, 17 Oct 2022 09:51:14 -0700
<![CDATA[learning from history and future of AI!]]>

in may 11, 1997, garry kasparov — the russian chess grandmaster — gave the final game against IBM’s deep blue supercomputer. a normal high-level chess game lasts up to four hours, but kasparov gave it up before even an hour was over, after a careless mistake.

Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:52:07 -0800
<![CDATA["MICHAELSOFT BINBOWS" isn't what you think it is]]>

Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring this video! Head to to learn more and get 50% off your first order of hair loss treatment. Check out the bonus features playlist - with deleted scenes, director's commentary and more:

Additional editing by f4mi:

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Music: MR carrotV2 - Windows 95 Dnb remix (attempt 1) Yoshinori Adachi - イースII「MOAT OF BURNEDBLESS 1998」(アレンジ曲 Torii Wolf - Lantern Room (Instrumental Version) Marc Russo - Groceries (The Sims original soundtrack) Peelander-Z - So Many Mike Matt Large - Believe Me When I Say It Yomoti - Before Chill Kikoru - Happytown Junichi Aoki - Temporary Peace (PC88 version) STRLGHT - Hype Age of Empires II - Shamburger Flat Theory - Outer Circle William Benckert - Clouded Mind Google Earth VR OST Peter Sandberg - How Peculiar Peter Sandberg - Butterflies Blue Steel - R&R Cora Zea - Elderly Melodia Ruben Cortes - Canta Canta Peter Sandberg - Butterflies

Want to directly support more videos like this one? Consider joining my channel!

Sun, 16 May 2021 10:00:16 -0700
<![CDATA[Why Are Octopuses So Smart? - The Atlantic]]>

A small shark spots its prey—a meaty, seemingly defenseless octopus. The shark ambushes, and then, in one of the most astonishing sequences in the series Blue Planet II, the octopus escapes. First, it shoves one of its arms into the predator’s vulnerable gills.

Thu, 08 Oct 2020 23:13:01 -0700
<![CDATA[50 movies to distract you from the corona]]>

If this doesn't do it, nothing will.

✔ Patreon: ✔ Twitter: ✔ Tumblr: ✔ Twitch: ✔ My new album!: ✔ Instagram:

stayhome #movies

films included: Night of the Hunter, THX 1138, Phantom of the Paradise, Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky, Mandy, Roar, Do the Right Thing, Serial Mom, The Handmaiden, Hard Boiled, Perfect Blue, Alucarda, Communion, Showgirls, The Devils, Shin Godzilla, The Raid, The Killer, The Love Witch, I Saw the Devil, Planet of the Vampires, The Guest, Paprika, Altered States, XXX 3: Return of Xander Cage, Future War, Inland Empire, It Follows, Eyes Wide Shut, Sorry to Bother You, Jacobs Ladder, Santa Sangre, Ginger Snaps, Green Room, The Phantom Thread, Candyman, Beyond the Black Rainbow, Return of the Living Dead, Wild at Heart, Bone Tomahawk, Pan's Labyrinth, Sunset Blvd, Mulholland Drive, Videodrome, Brazil.

Sat, 21 Mar 2020 10:14:10 -0700
<![CDATA[Bezos Reveals His Ugly Vision For The World He’s Trying To Rule – Caitlin Johnstone]]>

“Guess what the best planet is in this solar system?” asked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at a recent media event on his Blue Origin space program. “It’s easy to know the answer to that question,” he continued. “We’ve sent robotic probes like this one to all of the planets in our solar system.

Mon, 27 May 2019 17:28:07 -0700
<![CDATA[The ancient Greeks warned us about AI: Chips with Everything podcast | Technology | The Guardian]]>

Author Adrienne Mayor discusses the myths that contained the first blueprints for artificial intelligence

Fri, 02 Nov 2018 12:42:48 -0700
<![CDATA[Bunker Mentality: Start Preparing for Ecological & Economic Disaster Free Of Corporate Overlords | Zero Hedge]]>

Let’s face it: reading stories about the ongoing destruction of planet Earth, the life-sustaining blue marble that all of us – aside from maybe Elon Musk – are permanently trapped on, has got to be one of the least-favorite topics of all time.

Tue, 14 Aug 2018 20:41:12 -0700
<![CDATA[AI Needs New Clichés – Molly Wright Steenson – Medium]]>és-ed0d6adb8cbb

If you plug “AI” or “artificial intelligence” into Google Image Search, here’s what you get. Electric brains firing blue with neurons. Translucent robots and robot heads, code dribbling down their foreheads and noses.

Mon, 11 Jun 2018 05:02:31 -0700és-ed0d6adb8cbb
<![CDATA[The Zombie Diseases of Climate Change - The Atlantic]]>

What lurks in the Arctic’s thawing permafrost? From the air, the coast of Greenland appears vast and tranquil. Hundreds of fjords, their surfaces a mirror of blue sky and cloud bottoms, divide the territory.

Sun, 26 Nov 2017 10:30:54 -0800
<![CDATA[Everything but the Clouds]]>

In didactic texts, artist talks, personal websites, and private interviews Cory Arcangel describes Super Mario Clouds as “an old Mario Brothers cartridge which I modified to erase everything but the clouds.” Exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 2004, 2009, 2011, and 2015 the game’s blue sky and leftward floating cloud forms have come to represent not only Arcangel’s twenty-first century pop art practice but one horizon of videogames as an artistic medium. However, attempting to reverse engineer Super Mario Clouds according to the artist’s original source code distributed in exhibition catalogues, documentary videos, DIY websites, and GitHub repositories reveals that Arcangel’s ROM hack does not actually contain Nintendo’s ROM. Despite claims of erasing “everything but the clouds,” there is no erasure. There is a discrepancy between art historical accounts and the technical operations of Arcangel’s artwork. This video documents the history of Super Mario Clouds and demonstrates the results of my own attempt to “erase everything but the clouds,” a ROM hacking exercise that produces a different game altogether. This example of practice-based research and digital art history operates at the intersection of close playing, critical code studies, and media archeology to articulate the intractable materiality of the mechanical, electrical, computational, and even economic processes that characterize videogames as technical media and ultimately disrupt Arcangel’s narrative of erasure.Cast: Patrick LeMieux

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 08:44:46 -0800
<![CDATA[Forget You (Cee Lo Green Ver.) Daehan Choi]]>

18years old i live in South Korea(Daehan Choi)

Mouth Pieces : Blue JumboJava A45 Saxophone : Selmer SBA Reed : Vandoren Java 3# Audio interface : Audient ID22 Mic : Neumann U87 ai Preamp : Avalon 737sp

Fri, 02 Sep 2016 22:32:44 -0700
<![CDATA[3D Printing & Art Activism Workshop + Talk and Q&A]]>

3D Printing & Art Activism Workshop + Talk and Q&A, District, Berlin (22nd+23rd June, 2016)Two-day workshop and public talk with Morehshin Allahyari & Daniel Rourke on 22 and 23 June 2016 at District, Berlin.WED, 22 June, 10:30-17:00 Workshop Day 1THU, 23 June, 10:30-17:00 Workshop Day 2THU, 23 June, 19:00-20:30 Public TalkDESIGN BEYOND THE HUMAN: An Introduction to The 3D Additivist CookbookA talk and Q&A session by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke on the possibilities locked up in additivist technologies, with particular focus on the work of the critically renowned and emerging artists, makers, and theorists included in the forthcoming 3D Additivist Cookbook.In this talk the artist-activist Morehshin Allahyari and writer-artist Daniel Rourke will tackle the question of what it means to design beyond the human. Is it better to try to change the world or change ourselves, and what are the implications of taking a position in this debate?3D PRINTING & ART ACTIVISM WORKSHOP“Only self-contradictory practices are true in a deeper sense of the word. In our contemporary world, only art indicates the possibility of revolution as a radical change beyond the horizon of our present desires and expectations.” - On Art Activism - Boris GroysWe believe technology can open up new perspectives, providing people with the means to challenge the structures, ideas, and institutions that maintain the status quo. But technological change is - almost by definition - tied to the functions of capitalism: a system that profits the few, often at the expense of civil liberties or the environment.For this workshop, we call creators and thinkers to challenge and action around a technology filled with hope and promise: the 3D printer. After considering the metaphorical and practical implications of additive processes, and exploring the revolutionary spaces opened up by ‘Art Activism’, workshop participants will devise practical and conceptual 3D printable designs that have radical implications. We will then discuss and explore the potential of ‘Disobedient Objects’ and their influence on social and political movements. We will reconsider activism as a form of ‘change’ and question the notion of ‘problem solving’ using dystopia, horror, and weirding as methodologies.Some Questions to Consider:What does it mean to be ‘radical’ in our contemporary society?How can we use technologies as tools of resistance and collective action?What does Activism mean today?Participants will work on devising their own ‘radical’ ideas, and blueprints for a 3D printed design that has the potential as a tool for activism with particular emphasis on sparking creative and critical debate.Preparing for the Workshop:Watch The 3D Additivist ManifestoBrowse the extensive archiveDownload The Additivism Reader: Browse the reader + Read what interests you + Make notesMaterials participants will need to bring:Laptop computer Pens, paper Participants are encouraged to look through the reader that we have provided prior to the workshop.The work produced in the workshop will be shared online as part of our blog and diverse social network. We encourage participants to continue working on their ideas after the workshop for possible submission and inclusion in the forthcoming 3D Additivist Cookbook - to be published online and in print in late 2016.Workshop application:In order to participate in the workshop, please send Daniel and Morehshin a short email on why you want to take part:

Fri, 03 Jun 2016 02:07:56 -0700
<![CDATA[Centaur chess marries human and machine -- BloomReach]]>

The story of IBM’s Deep Blue computer defeating world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997 has been told so many times that it’s practically shorthand for the philosophical debate over man vs. machine. But the story lacks subtlety and perhaps the right moral.

Sun, 17 Apr 2016 06:02:42 -0700
<![CDATA[Sex Radical, Afro-Fututrist, and Grand Master of Science Fiction, Samuel Delaney Talk 03.10.16]]>

Sex Radical, Afro-Fututrist, and Grand Master of Science Fiction, Samuel R. Delany Reads from His Work UC Presidential Chair in Feminist Critical Race and Ethnic Studies and Living Writers Series present: Sex Radical, Afro-Futurist, and Grand Master of Science Fiction, SAMUEL R. DELANY, Reads from His Work Thursday, March 10, 2016 Music Recital Hall, UC Santa Cruz Free and open to the public 4:30PM Doors Open 5PM Reception & Book signing 6PM Reading Samuel R. Delany is an American science-fiction novelist and critic whose highly imaginative works address sexual, racial, and social issues, heroic quests, and the nature of language. Born in New York City’s Harlem in 1942, Delany was the first African American writer to achieve note through commercial american science fiction. He is the author of the non-fiction books Times Square Red, Times Square Blue (1999), and About Writing (2005). His novels include Nova (1968), Dhalgren (1975), The Return to Nevèrÿon Fantasy Series (1979-87), The Mad Man (1995), Dark Reflections (2007), Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders (2012), and Phallos (2013). He has won the Stonewall Book Award and the Lambda Literary Pioneer Award. In 2002 he was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame and, this year, into the New York State Writers Hall of Fame. He is the 31st Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master of Science Fiction and lives in Pennsylvania. Last year he retired from teaching creative writing at Temple University. Event sponsored by: UC Presidential Chair in Feminist Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Living Writers Series, Humanities Division, Siegfried B. and Elisabeth Mignon Puknat Literary Studies Endowment, and the Institute for Humanities Research.Cast: IHRTags: Feminist Critical Race and Ethni and ucsc

Tue, 12 Apr 2016 00:23:15 -0700
<![CDATA[#Additivism: An Encounter with The Fluid Outside]]>

SONIC ACTS ACADEMY #Additivism: An Encounter with The Fluid Outside 28 February 2016 - De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, the Netherlands --- A talk and Q&A session by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke about The 3D Additivist Manifesto + The 3D Additivist Cookbook and the artist’s own research and practice in relationship to #Additivism, activism, and critical/poetic approaches to 3D printing. #Additivism is a collaboration between artist and activist Morehshin Allahyari and writer/artist/academic Daniel Rourke. In March 2015 they released The 3D Additivist Manifesto: a call to push additive manufacturing technologies to their absolute limits and beyond, into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. They then issued a call for submissions for a radical ‘Cookbook‘ of blueprints, designs, 3D print templates, and essays on the topics raised by their Manifesto including text and projects on environmental ethics, objects in movements for social and political change, the renewed contemporary significance of the artist manifesto by the likes of the Accelerationist and Xenofeminist movements, and the potential of radical intervention in contemporary technocapitalism.Cast: Sonic Acts

Fri, 18 Mar 2016 04:48:27 -0700
<![CDATA[Ants Write Architectural Plans Into The Walls of Their Buildings – Phenomena: Not Exactly Rocket Science]]>

Imagine constructing a building with no blueprints or architects, and no inkling of what the finished edifice should look like. It sounds like a recipe for disaster, and yet that’s what ants and termites do all the time—and the results speak for themselves.

Sun, 24 Jan 2016 14:32:08 -0800